Hair Transplant Cost in Delhi- Per Graft Cost Comparison

Costing for Hair Transplant in India is much less and affordable as compared to the Western countries. On the contrary, by traveling to a country like India, patients from the Western country can save as much as 70 to 80 percent of their money. The total cost, however, depends on the number of sessions required to obtain the desired results and the technique used to perform hair transplantation. In Delhi Averagely Hair Transplant costs around ₹ 35,000/- and per graft costs around ₹25 for grafts form scalp and ₹30 for grafts from body and beard.

Number of Grafts Average Costing Sittings Require
750-1000 Grafts₹250001 Day
1000-1500 Grafts₹280001 Day
1500-2000 Grafts₹350001 Day
2000-3000 Grafts₹400001 Day
3000-3500 Grafts₹450001 Day
3500-Above GraftsGet Quote2 Days

What is PRP therapy?

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy for hair loss is a three-step medical treatment in which a person’s blood is drawn, processed, and then injected into the scalp.
Some in the medical community think that PRP injections trigger natural hair growth and maintain it by increasing blood supply to the hair follicle and increasing the thickness of the hair shaft. Sometimes this approach is combined with other hair loss procedures or medications.
There hasn’t been enough research to prove if PRP is an effective hair loss treatment. However, PRP therapy has been in use since the 1980s. It’s been used for problems such as healing injured tendons, ligaments, and muscles.

Whats is the Differnence between FUT & FUE ?

Anyone’s expectation from hair transplantation is achieving a hair growth with natural results & good density. Advancements in medical sciences is contributing greatly towards fulfilling such expectations.
Hair Transplantation is majorly distinguished as two main techniques i.e. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). The basic difference lies in the way the follicles or grafts are extracted. In FUT Hair Transplant, the strip method is used in which a strip of scalp with healthy hairs is taken from ‘donor area’ & it is further get dissected at stereo-microscopic level to achieve the naturally occurring groups of hairs i.e. follicles without damaging it. 

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) in Delhi

FUE is most popular technique of hair transplant in Delhi, there are many different versions of this technique i.e. ADHT (Direct Hair Implantation) DHT (Direct Hair Transplant). The main concept behind all given is same; roots are extracted one-by-one. Very Small cuts are made for extraction & implantation of hair follicles or roots. This surgery is not like other surgeries, it is painless, no stitches & scars are there. Recovery is very much faster are very small cuts are made during the surgery.

What does the transplanted hair come out?

Approximately 60-70% of the transplanted hair falls out within a month and starts to grow from the third month. The best results are seen in 6-12 months. Approximately 60-70% of the transplanted hair falls out within a month and starts to grow from the third month. The best results are seen in 6-12 months. 

Can i do Dyeing/color hair after hair transplant ?

We do not recommend dyeing the hair for at least 6-8 months after the procedure. Although it is not certain, the chemicals in hair dyes can negatively affect the growth process of your hair.

Will I fell any pain during and after the procedure ?

Hair transplant procedure is performed with local anesthesia. After local anesthesia, you will not feel any pain during the procedure. Post-procedure pain was reported to be 2%. It is possible to prevent this with painkillers.

How many hours does the hair transplant procedure take ?

Hair transplantation process takes about 6-8 hours on average. This period varies according to the technique used and the number of grafts.  

What should i do if i have any problems after the procedure ?

There are no serious problems after hair transplantation. You can contact our 24/7 team after the procedure.

Is hair tramnsplantation the definitive solution ?

90% success has been achieved in hair transplantation procedures performed with the FUE technique. You can increase the permanence by following the points to be considered after the hair transplant procedure and by protecting your hair.

What should I avoid after hair transplant procedure ? 

There is no situation that will affect the social life of people after hair transplantation. There should be no contact with the planting area for 3 days.

How is the hairline determined ? 

It is determined by considering the genetic structure of the person, ethnic origin and forehead muscle structure. 

Advance FUE Hair Transplant

FUE is much advance technique of hair transplant. FUE is a method of extracting follicle from donor hair area. In FUE doctor extract follicle from donor area with an instrument used to make small hole on skin around the follicle and then extract directly from scalp, this process is repeated until surgeon extract enough follicle require to cover respective bald area. More

What is PRP Therapy (Non Surgical)

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy for hair loss is a three-step medical treatment in which a person’s blood is drawn, processed, and then injected into the scalp.
Some in medical community think that PRP injections trigger natural hair growth and maintain it by increasing blood supply to hair follicle and increasing the thickness of the hair shaft.

Hair Weaving/Wigs/Patch

At Cardoctorsindia Portal we sell Imported quality hair patch and 100% Genuine Hair weaving Products like Walker Ultra hold Glue, tape and other accessories at most competitive rates. We have widest range of Hair Patch like front lase and normal Hair Patch all sizes are available. One can buy patch from out portal and Fix it with help of any nearby Saloon or Hair Weaving Center.

Hair Growth Serum and other Products

At Cardoctorsindia Portal We also Help to buy Hair Growth products like Hair Vitalizing Serum, Hair Growth Products like Growth Stimulating Serum, MORR F 5% Anti Hair Loss Serum (For Men), Morr 2% Solution 60ml (For Female) and more. We recommend Genuine products at our portal. 


How much will it cost?
The cost of FUE is only dependent on how many sessions are needed. Each session consists of 3000–3500 grafts. After analyzing the density of the current hair and the areas of lost hair the cost can be determined.

Will I be left with scarring after undergoing a hair transplant?
Patients can avoid scarring by undergoing a FUE transplant. The advantage of FUE over FUT is the scarring is almost impossible to detect. FUE patients have visible red pin pricks immediately after the grafts are removed and replanted in the balding areas. These tend to go away after even to ten days and there are no visible scars thereafter.

Will I feel pain during and after the transplant?
Not necessarily. There is an element of discomfort in any surgical procedure even if it is just the prick you feel when the anesthetic is administered. Most patients experience no great discomfort or pain while the procedure is carried out or in the days afterwards. Extracting and replanting the grafts takes several hours. Most patients relax during this time by watching a video. Some are so relaxed when this process is happening that they fall asleep!

Will I continue to lose my natural hair after a hair transplant?
Hair loss is a continual process so, yes, there is a chance that you will continue to lose more of your natural hair even after a hair transplant. While the transplanted hair will be permanent, there is some risk that a patient will continue to lose their natural hair.

How long will it be before I notice a difference after a hair transplant?
All hair transplant patients need to know that the positive benefits will not be visible immediately afterwards. In the first month immediately following a hair transplant, the new transplanted hair will fall out. This is nothing to worry about and is entirely normal. The important thing is that the new roots are bedded into the scalp. Over time the new hair will grow back again and most patients start to notice a difference around three to six months after a transplant. But it will anything up to one year an done year and half before the hair transplant will show its full results.

How much time do I need to take off work?
We recommend a week. Almost all patients are treated in a single day – arriving in the morning and leaving in the afternoon with the transplant completed. After that, it is just question of waiting for the new hair to grow back. We don’t recommend that patients drive home from the clinic because they can still be feeling a little groggy after the surgery. There are other precautions they need to take for a few days after the procedure so as not to dislodge the new hair grafts. Patients should also wear a buttonned up shirt – because taking off a pull-over or a T-shirt could also disrupt the grafts while they are bedding in. We recommend leaving it a week before resuming more strenuous activities such as going to the gym. After a week there may still be a little scarring but most patients can resume normal life and return to work.

Will the results be permanent?

The hair follicles that are transplanted are genetically-resistant against baldness so they will, in theory, continue to grow over your lifetime. However …

You’ll still notice hair loss on different areas of your head, and may choose to explore the option of another transplant procedure in the future.

How long will I need to rest?
You’ll generally only need to take it easy for a couple of days after the procedure. Take it easy while allowing your body to recover.
Avoid over-exerting yourself and leave the gym, running and any sexual activity for at least ten days.

Does hair grow naturally after hair transplant?
4-12 months after surgery- the transplanted hair gets thicker , courser and fuller . Early on the FUE ( all natural grouping of hair that normally grows as a single , double , triple , rarely a quad ) transplanted grows up as a single hair , but will return to be a double/triple or whatever it was when transplanted .

Are hair transplants worth it?
Is A Hair Transplant Worth It? The investment in an FUE restoration procedure produces permanent and natural results. This reverses a lifetime of hair loss and balding that affects the way look at us. … Then you can decide the cost of a hair transplant in your situation using our estimates.

Is hair transplant advisable?
The advantages of a hair transplant procedure are that it gives hair like natural hair, it is a permanent solution, it is a one-time investment for bald area treatment. However, there are some limitations to the hair transplant procedure. … Hair transplant is a good option and advisable for baldness cases.

How long does a hair transplant take to heal?
The hairs we don’t harvest grow back very quickly. By one week after surgery, the hair has grown back enough to cover the places we took the hair from. The scabs over the grafts will be the last reminder of the surgery. These scabs take about 7-10 days to fall out.

Are you put to sleep for hair transplant?
Anesthesia. Both harvesting and transplanting are done with local anesthesia. This means that a numbing medication—lidocaine—is injected into the skin. You don’t need to be put to sleep for a hair transplant, and this fact greatly reduces overall risk.

How soon can I wear a hat after hair transplant?
Once the grafts have become a permanent part of your scalp, you can wear a hat. While 7 to 10 days is an average, different surgeons have different protocols

Can I cut my hair after hair transplant?
But the good news is that after around three weeks you can safely get your hair cut without causing any damage to the transplants or new hair. Having said that it may be advisable to visit your hair transplant physician before you cut your hair to ensure the head is healing properly.

What are the side effects of finasteride?
Reported side effected related to finasteride include:

Erectile dysfunction (impotence)
Abnormal ejaculation
Lower ejaculatory volume
Abnormal sexual function
Testicular pain
Gynecomastia – development of male breasts

Can hair be donated for transplant?
Unlike organ transplants, you are your own donor for a hair transplant. There is no donor and recipient. If you received hair, follicles, and tissue from someone else (other than an identical twin), your body would reject them without immune-suppressant drugs. You donate your hair from what are called your donor sites.

How long does fue redness last?
Redness after an FUE hair transplant is one of its complications but it should not last long. It should not last more than 3–4 days in most cases. Occasionally a pinkish discoloration may last up to a few weeks after a FUE hair transplant.

How will my hair look like?
The hair will never be in the same condition as before the hair loss. Because all the hair taken by the methods of hair transplantation from the donor area is used to cover a much larger gap. As the area grows, the density of the hair in each cm2 is decreasing. The open area would be more dense when it is small, and it would be less dense when it is wide.

Is there any side effects?
There are no side effects or complications of hair transplant which will not cause any trouble to the patient in the future.

How long does the transplanted hair live?
As the harvested hair is taken from the hair between the ears to the back side of the head that has a different gene code (non-loss) , it will remain in its new place for A LIFE TIME.

Does the transplanted hair require special care or regular check ups?
No. Since that hair is also your own hair, IT DOES NOT NEED ANY SPECIAL CARE. However you cut, shape, dye, perm and clean your hair to this day, you can continue to do the same.

Does the transplanted hair grows longer?
After the transplant, the hair start to grow within after three months looking like a beard, after a while it gains shape and gets the image of a natural normal hair.

Do some cosmetic products make hair grow thicker and faster?
The best thing to expect from a cosmetic product is the feeling that your hair is healthier. Some products seem to slow hair loss, but this is temporary.

After this procedure, will there be swelling on the face?
Yes, therecan be a %10-15 swelling, but we have not seen such a complication yet due to the treatments we are performing after the procedure.

Does it look natural? Does it seem obvious that the hair is implanted?
With the development of implanting techniques, transplanted hair seems very natural nowadays. The dark days of hair transplantation, which hair does not look natural at all after using the follicular unit transplantation, are long gone.

Does it require continuous care?
Washing begins on the 2nd day following the operation. A special wash is done after 10 days. After that the patient can go back to the desired washing pattern. Continuous maintenance is not required after hair transplantation.

Will there be swelling and/or bruising?
Due to the anesthesia applied on the scalp, some patients may experience swelling for a few days after the procedure. However, with a few simple measures and treatments, this can be inhibited greatly.

Can I go to the gym after the operation?
Within a few days patient can start walking. However, heavy sports that can damage the skin on the scalp (football, fitness, heavy lifting) should be avoided for 1 month.

When can I swim in the sea? When can I dye my hair?
It is not recommended to swim in the sea, pool for 1 month hammam and sauna for 3 months. Hair dye should not be used for 3 months.

Will the transplanted hair grow back? Is there any guarantee?
After a successful operation by an experienced team, all the transplanted hair will grow. The growth of the transplanted hair is no longer an issue for the experienced hair-planting team.

What is the difference between hair density and fullness?
“Density” is the number of hair in the area; e.g. A man between the ages of 30-50 has an average hair density of 250-300 per centimetre square. “Fullness” is an objective measure used to describe the appearance of hair, regardless the density of the hair. So much so that the hair of a person with less hair density may look fuller than one with more dense hair. Although hair density is the most important factor determining the fullness, other factors such as hair color, structure and thickness of hair are very important as well.

How often does hair loss occur?
Hair loss is a problem that can be seen both in men and women; but mostly in men. At age 25, 25% of men start to experience hair loss bit by bit. This proportion goes up to 50% among men aged 50 years.

Will stress cause hair loss?
Stress can cause common hair loss in some cases. This type of hair loss, also called telogen effluvium, is different from androgenic alopecia. If the stress is annihilated, the lost hair will grow back in about a year.

Is local anesthesia a risky procedure?
Local anesthesia is extremely risk-free and safe. Except for some side effects that are rarely seen, the dangers of local anesthesia when practiced by experienced physician is quite a few.

Will there be traces of the operation on the nape and in the planted area?
Since the whole procedure is performed with micro fine work and our channeling technique does not cause tissue damage, there are no traces in the hundreds of hair transplant examples performed in our clinic.

Is it okay to use laser in hair transplantation?
Laser can be used in hair transplantation. But it does not make much contribution to hair transplantation process and its results.
We can use the cumbersome laser machine to only open canals that we can leave roots in, and in our research we have seen that the channels opened without laser showed a quick recovery time (5-7 days) while the laser-opened channels completely healed in a longer period (7-14 days). And this does not agree with our meticulousness to plant hair without leaving any traces. Laser is not necessary in hair transplantation process.

Does hair transplantation require hospital conditions?
Hair transplantation, a small surgical procedure performed with local anesthesia, does not require hospital conditions. The fact that hair transplantation takes place in a comfortable and hygienic environment is also important for relieving the patient. For this reason, places with hair transplant center layout, which are equipped with special equipment for hair transplant operations, are suitable.

1. Is Hair Patch made from Real Human hair ?
Yes, Hair Patch we sell are made from real human hair that is why these are reliable durable for long time. 

2. Can i do hair styling after hair patch pasting? 
Yes, you can do hair styling as per your requirement. These are made from real human hair and are very easy to use.

3. Can i wash my head with shampoo? 
Yes, you can wash your head with shampoo or whatever you use. After wash you can dry with hair drier if you want. 

4. Can i color hair with hair dye or hair color?
Yes, As these are real human hair and you can do hair coloring as you want and match with you existing hair. 

5. After how may days it is require to go for servicing of this hair Patch/Wig?
Regarding servicing after 25 to 30 days you can go for cleaning/servicing.  

6. Can i do Bike Riding/Wear Helmate?
Yes, You can do Bike Riding and wear helmate as well. Also you can do any sports activities.

1. How does hair transplantation work? 
Hair transplantation is really about relocating (transplanting) the bald resistant hair follicles from the back of the head to the balding areas on the top of the head. This process works for a lifetime because the hair follicles taken from the back of the head are genetically resistant to baldness, regardless of where they are relocated to.

2.  Will my hair transplant results look completely natural?
Hair transplantation, when done right, can be so natural that even your hair stylist will not know that you've had it done. But the skill and techniques of hair transplant surgeons does vary widely, as do their results. It's important to choose the right procedure and clinic to assure that you will get completely natural results.

3.  How long does a hair transplant procedure take?
A typical session of between 1,500 to 3,000 grafts normally involves a full day of surgery on an outpatient basis. Most patients will arrive in the morning and will have their procedure completed by late afternoon.

4. Does the hair transplant procedure hurt?
Patients are given local anesthesia in the donor and recipient areas. Most patients find that once the anesthesia is given that they feel no pain or discomfort during the surgery. Following surgery patients will typically feel some amount of soreness and numbness, with some mild discomfort. Most patients are pleasantly surprised by how minimal the discomfort from the surgical procedure.

5.  What are the recovery/healing time? 
With today’s very refined micro hair transplantation procedure the incisions are very small and less invasive than past procedures. This results in more rapid healing. Most patients feel fine within a day or two following surgery, although some numbness and mild soreness can be expected for several days following surgery.

6. Will people know I had a hair transplant?
Immediately following surgery a patient’s recipient area is typically pink with scabs forming around the micro incisions. These hundreds of tiny incisions will heal rapidly within a week to ten days.
During the first few days after the surgery a person’s hair transplants will be noticeable if there is no previous hair to mask these temporary scabs. However, most patients feel comfortable being in public without wearing a hat within 5 to 7 days following surgery. Once the transplanted hair grows out the results should look entirely natural, even under close examination.

7. When will my newly transplanted hair start to grow? 
Normally it takes between three to five months following surgery before the transplanted hair follicles begin to grow new hair. The transplanted hair grows in very thin initially and gradually grows thicker and fuller over time. After one year a patient’s transplanted hair will be fully mature and will continue to grow for a life time.

8. Are the results permanent?
Since the hair follicles that are transplanted to the balding areas are genetically resistant to going bald, they will continue to grow for a life time – just as if they had been left in the bald resistant donor area.

9. Do I have to take any medicine for life after hair transplant surgery?
No, it is not necessary to take any medication after hair transplantation because the implanted hair is permanent. However, if your existing hair is still falling, then the doctor may suggest ways to treat hair loss such as Minoxidil, Rogaine, Propecia or low laser therapy to help preserve its existing hair.

10. Why it is necessary to choose the right clinic and surgeon?
For the best result, the surgeon must be expert and especially experienced. Our surgeon has experience of over 1400 documented surgeries. His past patient result pictures are available on clinic website.
Whereas, some so called well-known brands who have chain of clinics, generally have doctors or surgeons who are salaried and are temporary with lesser experience; It is a matter of fact that the doctor or surgeon who has a good experience can easily run his own clinic and earn more from the salaries he earns in these centers. These so called big brand clinics use their name to attract people, but in reality, their work is not as good as the clinics which are owned by experienced doctors or surgeons which they run themselves. One should take care of the thing that doctor he chooses must be qualified, board certified & must have minimum 800-1000 cases experience. 

11. In which season one should do hair transplant?
You can do hair transplants in any season. Although you should keep in mind that you should not expose the implanted region directly to the sun for long periods, it can have adverse effects. For this reason, it is advisable that you wear the cap and screen the sun whenever you go out in the sun for a long time. 


​​1. You have to undergo bold test.

2. Inform your doctor of any known allergies, previous surgery and any other medications which you are taking.

3. Blood pressure, diabetes, epilepsy medications can be continued. Take the morning dose on day of surgery.

4. Stop smoking at least 2 weeks prior to surgery and for 3-4 weeks after surgery.

5. Take proper rest before coming for surgery.

6. Do Not drink Tea on the day of surgery.

7. Wear loose front open shirt and take light breakfast.

8. You can listen to music on your mobile/MP3 player etc. during surgery.


1. Start ice cold compresses and finger massage on forehead (from center to side) from evening and continue 3 times daily for 5 days to prevent forehead swelling.

2. If despite all this measures swelling occurs in forehead or eye lids just continue ice compress and massage it will resolve in 3-5 days.

3. Avoid head injury (e.g. banging of head on car wall)

4. Sleep with head end slightly elevated for 2-3 days.

5. No head bath for 3 days, luke warm head bath on 4th day with due care. Wet the hair, apply medicated shampoo (sebowash) and spread it lightly and stand under shower with low speed. Do NOT rub on the graft till 10 days. Dry the hair gently by pressing with a double folded towel. From 10 day onwards you can take bath under shower with medium speed.

6. Small 2 mm hairs seen on the graft will fall off with the scabs in 2-3 weeks. Nospecial precautions are required once the scab falls off completely.

7. After 3-4 months hair growth will start from the grafts and will gradually increase in size and gain thickness, complete results will take at least 9-12 months.

8. Avoid smoking for at least 3-4 weeks and alcohol for 7 days.

9. Avoid excessive sun exposure on scalp for at least 3 months after surgery.

How Much Hair Transplant costs in Delhi?

The cost of FUE is only dependent on how many sessions are needed. Each session consists of 3000–3500 grafts. After analyzing the density of the current hair and the areas of lost hair the cost can be determined. Hair Transplant in Delhi is Available at most affordable Price. In Delhi Hair Transplant Stating at ₹ 25,000/- which is lowest cost in world. but this is a question which can’t be answered in just one sentence, with one simple price quote. Hair Transplant costs vary from patients to patients, a number of grafts required, skill of the doctor and time took. More the grafts, the higher the cost will be. It is hard to work out the exact price of a hair transplant but we offer at ₹25 - ₹15 per graft to our patients with also seasonal discounts.

One of the main concerns for many people considering hair transplant is the cost. In my opinion, there are three major factors that influence the cost, including

Extent of Hair Loss

Area of baldness and Number of grafts require in case. Is key of blue print for cost estimation in Hair Transplant procedure.

Type of Hair Transplant Opted ? 

At our clinics we provide FUE, FUT, ADHT, Advance FUE procedure which cost different respectively also some time types of procedure depends on baldness pattern.

 Doctor/Surgeon and Quality of Clinic

Cost Depends on the quality of clinic and Experience of doctors/Surgeons. Hair Transplant is matter of medical procedure so it always better to choose best doctors.

Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Delhi

Welcome to CareDoctorsIndia, At CareDoctorsIndia, we help you find best hair transplant doctors and clinics in Delhi. Our panel of doctors and clinic include one of India's finest FUE, ADHT, & FUT hair transplant doctors / clinics in Delhi. Highly qualified and experienced cosmetic plastic surgeons with their dedicated team are fully competent to meet expectations of our clients. Our dedicated team of professionals understand the needs of patient and perform everything they can do at their best to help them.

Hair transplant Clinic at India is met with state of the art infrastructure and OTs are equipped with one of the latest & advanced instruments or tools. Our staff is quite friendly and cooperative. Then show that every patient experience is as awesome and convenient as possible, offering them support and honest advice throughout the entire journey.

We help our clients in finding best hair transplant doctors, surgeons & clinics in Delhi offering affordable cheaper prices for the treatment so that everyone can have the joy of good looks. Festive offers, seasonal discounts, cheapest hair transplant packages are made available time to time for our clients.

Why Choose CareDoctorsIndia?

Hair Transplant at Clinics with us Safe and Secure, 100% Natural and Permanent Results. we provide Free online Consultation.


100% Natural and Permanent Results

Hair Transplant is 100% Natural Process. Depending on the size of the transplant you’re getting, the process will take about 4 to 8 hours.


Free Online Consultation

Want to Know more about Hair Transplant Procedure.
Call/Whatsapp : +91-8872774425 or Fill Form We Will Contact Within 24 Hours


World Class Infrastructure

Our Centre are equiped with world class Infrastructure and very much accessible from nearby cities


Internationally Trained and Certified Surgeons

Caredoctorsindia is Leading Name in Hair Transplant. Our Associate Surgeons are well qualified and Internationally trained.


so happy! I don't usually write review, but I must thanks Simran madam for their support & efforts. She is really very hardworking & supportive. She even picked up my calls Off-office hours. I appreciate your efforts. My hair transplant goes very smooth, no pain at all during & after the surgery. It was way smoother than my earlier expectations. Thankyou again...


Vicky Verma


Experience of searching for a good doctor & treatment at affordable pricing became easier, all thanks to very soft spoken staff at CareDoctorsindia. I was completely unaware of this treatment. I just search for it on google & came across I filled up inquiry form. Within an hour, I got a call from very soft spoken staff who helped me through out my journey. I am so thankful to her. I am hoping to get great results.


John Smith                         


About CareDoctorsIndia

Welcome to CareDoctorsIndia, we help everyone who came across our website, to find best Doctors/Surgeons in India for Hair Restoration surgeries like FUE Hair Transplant, BIO-FUE Hair Transplant, ADHT Hair Transplant, FUT Hair Transplant & many other hair fall treatments and Cosmetic Surgeries like Rihinoplasty, Brest Augmentation, Liposuction, Abdominoplasty and Chin Augmentation, Face Lift many more. We have association with one of the leading clinics in India providing best quality hair transplant and Cosmetics surgery results and hence bring adorable smile of confidence. Our counselors are very well trained to address all of the queries with which patient came up. Our job starts from the moment you enquire at our website. we help people know what these surgeries are. Why to undergo in India? Where to undergo in India? What is the cost of hair transplant and cosmetics surgeries in India? Anything to everything about hair transplant and Cosmetic Surgeries in India will be explained here at CareDoctorsIndia by our counselors. We are committed in providing high quality customer service, for ease of our patients we have dedicated lines open for our patients to get it touch with our counselors any time before & after hair transplant and Cosmetics surgeries with us. India is one of the best places in terms of Medical Tourism; Thousands of patients come to India to take best quality treatment at affordable costs. We have one of the finest Doctors/Surgeons in India who are practicing cosmetic surgeries, plastic surgeries & hair transplant surgeries for years. FUE Hair Transplant in India is one of the most popular techniques of hair transplant in India. More than 90% surgeries are performed with FUE technique. FUE Hair Transplant is Stitchless & Scarless procedure of Hair Transplant. Most of the patient feels no pain during & after the surgery however mild pain, some swelling is observed in few cases for few days only. We have Hair Transplant and Cosmetics Surgeries Clinics in almost all the major cities of India. Anyone who is looking for Hair Transplant and Cosmetics surgeries in India, may fill up enquiry forms on our website, our counselors will contact them with the suitable means i.e. call, email or Whatsapp. We help people in understanding each and every aspects of hair transplant and other cosmetics surgeries, moreover we help them find best doctors in India for them. We help our patient to plan their treatment as per their need & budget. In short, our role is providing best doctors/Surgeons at very affordable prices in India so that even a middle class person can afford hair transplant and these cosmetic surgery. We get special offer like Unlimited grafts (FUE Hair Transplant) & many other bundled package offers for FUE Hair Transplant, BIO-FUE Hair Transplant and FUT Hair Transplant for our clients.

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At CareDoctorsIndia, We ensure that every patient's experience is as awsome and convinent as possible, offering them support and honest advice throughout the entire journey. We have association with one of the leading clinics in India providing best quality hair transplant and Cosmetics surgery results and hence bring adorable smile of confidence.


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